Friday, February 25, 2011

Own Effect

For this effect, I made the picture black and white then use a brush the bring back the color of the background. also i messed with the exposure to make it darker.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post2 2/10/11

The Aperture is the “pupil” of the camera. Light passes through this before it reaches the film. The hole for the aperture lens is called the f-hole. The Shutter Speed- the shutter opens when the button is pressed on your camera. The amount of time the shutter is open will affect the light that is captured. The longer the shutter is open, the amount of light that is captured increases. The shorter time the shutter is open, the less light gets captured. They act together in a way that the longer the shutter is open, the larger the f-hole gets so more light will be captured.On my camera, I scroll to the S for shutter and the A for Aperture.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Post1 2/9/11

This photo appeals to me because I like the way that it is shooting towards sky and that it is black and white.I located this picture on FLICKr.I would like to recreate this photo because I like the style of it and I just find it as an awesome picture.

This photo appeals to me because it is two different sides and makes a good mixture.I located the photo in FLICKr. would like to recreate this because it took my interest right away and I couldn’t look away and I would like to take a picture that someone will look for a while. This photo was taken on a German island.